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Our Chosen Charity

Fundraising 2023-2024

At the beginning of the year, our fundraising committee chose three local and three global charities to share with the school community. A vote then took place in each class and the fundraisers added up the votes. The charities that had the most votes were Battersea Cats and Dogs Home and The Gwent Diabetes Team. 


Fundraising 2022-2023

Here is a summary of the events that took place last year.

Our fundraising committee decided to choose a local and a global charity to support .

They held an election to choose our charities for this academic year.  The winning charities were SARA - Severn Area Rescue Assocation and the WWF - The World Wide Fund for Nature.

Our fundraising committee have met with the fundraising administator from SARA and are in the process of organising a whole school event that will be taking place in the Summer Term.  

Our Fundraising committee held a successful SARA and WWF themed obstacle course in the Autumn Term and they also sold second-hand Christmas jumpers at our Christmas Fayre.

During the Spring Term, the children worked out how long both of the Severn Bridges are and then they mapped this out on our school field. Then each class walked a section which contributed towards the total distance! To add an extra bit of fun, the children were invited to come dressed up as an animal! This was a wonderful fundraising event. 

In 2022 -2023, the school's charities were SARA and WWF and we raised a total of £410
In 2021 -2022, the school's charity was Friends of the Earth and we raised a total of £526.37
In 2020 -2021, the school's charity was The Blue Cross and we raised a total of £217.68
In 2018 - 2019, the school's chosen charity was Cancer Research UK and raised a total of £180.50
In 2017 - 2018, the school's chosen charity was the RSPCA and raised a total of £115.18
In 2016 - 2017, the school's chosen charity was SARA and raised a total of £339.69.