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Physical Education

Physical Education throughout our school

Intent, Implementation and Impact of Physical Education at Tutshill C. of E. Primary School


At Tutshill C. of E. Primary School, we value Physical Education as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum. Physical Education is experienced in a safe and supportive environment, which is essential to ensure that children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in Physical Education whilst also developing life skills and physical literacy as a whole.

We use our core Christian values to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding the fairness and equality of play to embed life-long values. We also teach children the importance of respecting and valuing the work and ideas of others. Children are encouraged to use their learning behaviours to take responsibility for creatively and innovatively applying their physical skills and techniques, whilst showing resilience and perseverance to overcome personal challenges and to improve their personal best.       

The ABCDE teaching model develops metacognition and is used within sequences of lessons. Teachers activate new learning whilst recapping skills previously taught and then teaching specific skills and knowledge for the next lesson. Children are given opportunities to demonstrate their skills by being given time to explore and experiment whilst learning new techniques. They are also encouraged to co-operate with one another in order to develop their understanding and learning of the skills taught. Children are actively encouraged to demonstrate their reflection and evaluative skills, by considering their own work alongside the work of others. Within each lesson, we strive to give every child the opportunity to develop skills in Physical Education, consider the impact on their health and fitness and to compete/perform and evaluate. We want to teach children skills to keep them safe such as being able to swim. To enhance this further, children are provided with a wide range of opportunities to participate in outdoor adventurous activities such as orienteering, climbing, abseiling and kayaking. Opportunities are also provided for children to learn about famous sports people who have helped shape the world, this shows the impact of sport on the wider environment and helps to inspire them to become the next generation of sports people and lead a long-term active lifestyle.

The Physical Education scheme of work aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Tutshill C. of E. Primary School, not only through sporting skills taught but through the underpinning values and disciplines Physical Education promotes. The curriculum also aims to develop children’s global awareness demonstrating that sport helps to shape our history and also contributes to an awareness of British Values, culture and creativity. Key worldwide sporting events are recognised and celebrated across the school and famous sports people from across the world are also learned about and celebrated.

It is our intention to develop a lifelong love of physical activity and sport in all young people alongside developing essential skills which include leadership and teamwork which will prepare them for the ever-changing world around us.



Physical Education at Tutshill C. of E. Primary School provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including: invasion games; net and wall games; striking and fielding games; gymnastics; dance; swimming and outdoor and adventure.

The scheme of work sets out the Physical Education units which are to be taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.

Pupils participate in at least two hours of high-quality Physical Education lessons each week, these cover at least two sporting disciplines every half term. In addition, children are encouraged to participate in a varied range of extra-curricular activities. Lunchtime and after-school sports clubs are available throughout the week and a health and wellbeing club also takes place once a week before school.       

Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are assessed within Physical Development and their progress is tracked throughout the year. In Key Stages One and Two, children are assessed during their lessons using the key objectives identified for each unit of work, these ongoing assessments take place throughout the year. Foundation subject assessments are completed each term with teachers identifying those children working below, at and beyond expectations. Areas of strength and areas that pose challenge for individuals are highlighted. Teachers use this information to inform future lessons and to support children’s progress in learning: ensuring children are supported and challenged appropriately. This data is analysed on a termly basis to inform and address any trends or gaps in attainment. Age-related expectation levels are reported to parents at the end of the academic year.

Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.

Children participate in workshops/theme days covering a variety of sports throughout the year. For example: archery; outdoor and adventure activities; yoga workshops and skipping. This in turn provides the children with an opportunity to develop and improve their fitness whilst also trying something new.

Children in Year Five swim once a week for 10 weeks during the Spring/Summer Term.         

We have launched “Movement breaks” and “Activ8” to support the Government’s recommended active 60 initiative, where all children should reach 60 minutes of activity a day, 30 minutes of which should be during school time.

We have installed an outdoor gym which is available to all year groups. This has inspired children to begin their health and fitness journey and gather a basic understanding of resistance and endurance training with their cohort.

Links have been made with local sports clubs and qualified sports coaches who have provided taster sessions, workshops and after-school clubs for the children to attend, providing specific and quality sessions.

Key worldwide sporting events are recognised and celebrated across the school and famous sports people from across the world are also learned about and celebrated.


Children are motivated to participate in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging and fun.

Children are taught to take responsibility for their own health and fitness. Children are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to live healthy lives.

Children have the knowledge skills and understanding to prepare them for the ever-changing world that they live in.

Children are provided with opportunities to participate in a wide range of sporting events organised by both schools and other external agencies.