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British Values


British Values at Tutshill CofE Primary School

At Tutshill Church of England Primary School, we believe that all of our children should be valued as a unique child of God. We understand that to enable them to grow into respectful, fruitful citizens it is essential that we promote and encourage our fundamental British Values alongside our seven core Christian Values.

The DfE has recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.

Fundamental British Values linked with our Core Christian Values

As a Church of England School, our Christian faith is at the forefront of everything we do. As such, we have carefully linked each of our fundamental British Values with our core Christian Values and refer to them within our Class and Collective Worship, in order to ensure our children can see the links between them.

Our Hub Days linked to British Values

We also celebrate and promote fundamental British Values throughout the year within our Hub Days. These Hub Days are dedicated to giving children the opportunity to explore and deepen their understanding of each of the British Values

British Values in Action!


  • All children are involved in the democratic process of voting for their School Council class representatives each year. Classes are invited to cast their vote in ‘The Polling Station’ set up in the Hall to replicate the system used in local and general elections.
  • The School Council is divided into sub-committees such as the Eco-Council, Fundraising Committee and Global Ambassadors. These committees meet regularly to discuss issues and effect change in the school.
  • School Council members are asked to put forward presentations in order for all children to vote on our School Council charity. The School Council has its own budget and is able to organise events of their choice in order to raise money.
  • All children are also involved in the process of selecting their class representative for the House Captains.
  • Within the curriculum, the Year 5 and 6 History work on Ancient Greece examines the origins of Democracy.


 Individual Liberty

  • At Tutshill, we encourage children to express their opinion and listen to the opinions of others.
  • We discuss the importance of Individual Liberty by considering how people throughout history have been denied their personal freedom.
  • Our PSHE Curriculum teaches awareness about making choices.
  • Children are given freedom to make choices including the lunch menu, extra-curricular clubs at lunchtime and after school.
  • Children have opportunities to participate in debating competitions at school and at county level to develop the ability to express their opinions.
  • The curriculum is created to ensure that the children can make choices about their own learning, for example level of learning challenge, how they record their work, the methods they use to solve a problem, choice of homework activity.

The Rule of Law

  • The School Behaviour Policy: this includes explaining to the children their rights, responsibilities and the consequences when the Policy is not adhered to..
  • Children are taught to have a knowledge of and respect of the School Rules, including Playground Rules and E-Safety Rules.
  • Visits to Skillzone in Gloucester (run by Gloucestershire Fire Service) promotes knowledge and understanding of the rule of law within Britain.
  • The RSE and Science curriculum includes specific knowledge concerning smoking, drugs and healthy living and the laws around these areas.
  • Year 5 Bikeability Course includes learning about the importance of the rules of the road.
  • The School Council and older children act as positive role models for younger classes.

Mutual Respect

  • At Tutshill, adults and children respect that others learn in different ways and all have individual needs. Tutshill has an Inclusive Ethos in all aspects of learning.
  • Our ‘Meet our Friends’ initiative encourages children to talk and learn about different faiths in a respectful and tolerant way.
  • Within our PSHE topic ‘Valuing Difference’, the children explore the importance of respecting differences and individuality.
  • Staff, School Council Representatives and House Captains act as role models to the wider school community.
  • Opportunities for children to debate topical issues develop the children’s abilities to respect the rights of others to express a different opinion.
  • The work of the Eco Council promotes respect for our planet and the environment.
  • The role of the Learning Ambassadors creates a mutually respectful relationship between learners at Tutshill.

Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs and Those with No Faith

  • Different faiths and beliefs are explored and celebrated through our ‘Meet our Friends’ initiative, Class Worship and the Religious Education Curriculum.
  • Our Religious Education Curriculum include festivals from a wide variety of faiths and cultures.
  • Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school.
  • Arts and Celebration Weeks across the curriculum and our ‘People who Changed the World’ projects celebrate diversity, including different cultures and religions.
  • The Music Curriculum celebrates diversity.