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Tutshill C. of E. Primary School
Club  Provision
We are pleased to offer a variety of after school clubs during the school year.
Parents are notified termly which clubs will be taking place and are invited to book a place for their child by using the online booking system.  As these clubs are very popular, places are available on a first come, first served basis and are strictly limited.  
Please only send your child to an after school club once you have received notification that your child has a place.
For after school sports clubs, your child will need their full PE kit, including trainers and either a jumper/sweatshirt or sun hat, depending on the time of year. 
If your child is attending the hockey club, they will need a gum shield and shin pads.
If your child is atending the football club, they will need shin pads and suitable football boots.
If you have any further questions about the after school club provision please contact us.