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2020 - 2021

Sports Premium Funding


This academic year has been impacted by the pandemic but we have worked alongside Prostars and other agencies to provide PE experiences for our children.

Autumn Term:

Prostars offered CPD to class teachers focusing on specific aspects that had been identified in a staff audit.

Prostars also carried out a baseline assessment of all children from Year One to Year Six. This provided a detailed summary of how each individual child performed in each key area. This will be repeated in the Summer term to assess the children’s progress.

In response to these baseline assessments, Prostars have led skill based sessions for key groups of children. In the Autumn Term, Year Five had weekly sessions as a small group.

In the Spring and Summer Terms, the interventions ran across the school. The Prostars coach worked with specific children and these changed depending on the skills being focused upon. Year Five also had weekly sessions (15 per group) to develop their fitness levels and skills base.

Lunchtime clubs have also taken place across the year to develop children’s fitness levels.

Clubs have been subsidised – these have taken place on Monday and Wednesday evenings after school and when we have been able to do so due to Covid restrictions. The year groups will change in Summer Term Two.   

Holiday clubs have taken place when they have been allowed to do so. We are also planning a holiday club for the June half term and for two weeks in the Summer holidays.

In Summer Term 1, we have organised for a climbing wall to visit school. All year groups will be able to take part. Alongside this, we also have an archery set being provided and so we will be able run archery sessions for those children in KS2.

We have also organised for a skipping workshop to take place at the end of June in Summer Term 2. All children will be taught to skip, they will skip along to music and try to improve their personal best. A teaching programme is also provided to build on the skills taught during this session.

During both Summer Terms 1 and 2, the whole school will be taking part in yoga sessions.  This event will be launched during Summer Term 1 and then followed up in Summer Term 2.

We have also organised a fully-funded dance club which is taking place on a Friday afternoon after school. All year groups from Year One to Year Six have been invited and the classes are nearly all full.

We have purchased some new resources throughout the year to support and develop our PE teaching. These have included a whole class badminton set, a New Age Kurling set (as asked for by the children following an external event), compasses and frisbees.

We are still hoping to join any external events during Summer Term 2 if Government guidance allows us to, this may incur small costs for entry.